The timeline part of the package introduces a series of tracks and interfaces for orchestrating the temporal aspects of actions. Various timeline tracks, such as Animation, Damage Zone, etc., handle specific facets of actions. All those tracks communicate with Interfaces that define the common functionality for these timelines. These tracks facilitate precise timing within the Unity Timeline, enhancing the overall control and coordination of events in gameplay. While initially designed for combat-oriented games, the tracks are versatile and applicable to various game types.

<aside> đź’ˇ Since most tracks communicate with interfaces, developers have the flexibility to create their implementations based on their specific use cases. However, those interfaces must be implemented within a component. Basic and example implementations are provided and explained in the later in the documentation.


Action Timeline Pair Player

ActionTimelinePairPlayer is a component that watches an ActionComponent for any action activation. When an action is activated, it will try to find an associated timeline and play it on the given PlayableDirector . You can have multiple ActionTimelinePairPlayer dealing with multiple ActionComponent instances.

Action Track

The Action Track is a custom track designed to interact with the ActionComponent during a timeline.

Clip Types:

Animator Parameter and Layer Track

The Animator Track is a custom track facilitating the setting and resetting of parameters for an animator.

Clip Types:

These clips affect an animator parameter. As long as the clip is played, the value is applied to the parameter. When the clip is finished, the value is reset.

Damage Zone Tracks

The Damage Zone Tracks coupled with the IDamageDealerComponent interface, check for enemies within defined zones. If an enemy is detected, damage is dealt to the receiver. The receiver must implement the IDamageReceiverComponent interface. These tracks provide a visual representation with gizmo previews.

Clip Types:

<aside> ❕ A damage zone clip keeps a memory of the targets it has damaged to prevent from damaging them again in the clip’s duration.
